Sunday, August 1, 2010

Where to eat in VSU?

VSU MARKETVarious food stand that sells different kind of foods that gives students, tourist many choices at a very affordable cost.

Privately owned food establishment that serves lunch, dinner and snacks. Located near the VSU court at the lower campus. Foods are delicious and of good quality that is why prices are quite expensive.


Located near the beach that usually caters the guest of the ATI trainees. Foods are served in a buffet type of dinning. the Area is clean and refreshing. The foods are delicious and quite expensive. But the price you pay really do pay off because of the satisfactory you get.

VSU Guest House and Pavilion
Managed by the university. Pavilion usually caters to the students and other visitors. Pavilion sells various kinds of foods. Usually serves breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Pavilion is sometimes venue from some family gatherings and other programs because of the spacious area.
Guesthouse is usually for the University's Guest and visitors. Foods are special and very delicious. Some gatherings are held in this venue. Meetings are sometimes held in this place. Also located near the beach that provides tourist a scenic view while eating.

Where to stay in VSU?

Balay Alumni (For reservation please call: 563-7151)
  • This is a hostel within the university that is operated by the VSU Alumni Association and charged very minimal fees to all alumni who will be using this hostel during their visit to the university.

VSU Hostel
  • Is a Beachfront hostel that provides guest a relaxing accommodation. There are different room types, single room, double room and family room. Visitors of VSU are housed in this VSU hostel.

VSU Apartelle
  • VSU Apartelle is the Learning center before which was a dormitory type. It was reconstructed last October 2009 for the launching of SCUAA. The type of accommodation is suite room. Every room is installed with a mini kitchen and a refrigerator. Matrimonial and double bed room are available types of bed. Apartelle has a verand located at the back facing the beach which is very ideal for having breakfast and witnessing sunsets.

Seafront Suite
  • Located near the VSU Beach Resort. It is ideal for newly weds to have their honeymoon. Suite type of accomodation is provided in the establishment.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wow VSU!

Where else can you find a school in between a virgin forest and a marine sanctuary?

VSU is one of the country's largest schools. It is hailed as one of the most beautiful school in the Philippines. It is listed as one of the major tourist itineraries in Baybay City and it is often hailed as the "Philippines Destination University"

  • Tarsier Watching
VSU had established a tarsier sanctuary that protects and preserved the smallest primate in the world. Tourist will have a chance to experience to see and observe how this tarsier lives.

  • Picnic at VSU Molave Hill
Molave hill is host to various spec ies and old big trees of molave. This trees give shade and soothing ambiance for the tourist to relax and have their snacks, lunch and even have a picnic.

  • Mountain Climbing
VSU is blessed with a virgin forest, Mt. Pangasugan. With its rocky and mountainous terrain, tourist or students indulge into mountain climbing as their past time.

  • Swimming at Hydro
Hydro is one of the favorite place where students or tourists will dip in and enjoy the fresh water while viewing the wonderful gifts of nature.

  • Sunset Viewing
A gorgeous s unset only in VSU gives tourist and students and relaxing feeling while witnessing the su nset. Fishes will entertain tourist while waiting for the sunset as they jump and hop in the surface of water.

The VSU (main campus) is situated in Barangay Pangasugan, 8 km north of the City of Baybay, Leyte and 34 km south of Ormoc City. It is accessible from both directions because the national road cuts across the University campus. It can also be reached from various points in Leyte either by air through Tacloban City airport (116 km away) or by sea through the ports of Baybay City, Ormoc City, Hilongos (43 km), and Bato (

50 km).

VSU is strategically located on one of the last remaining virgin rain forests in the Philippines. A study by VSU found many animal species listed by the World Conservation Union in the Red List of Threatened Animals (IUCN Red List), including the Philippine tarsier, Philippine flying fox, Fischer’s pygmy fruit bat. New records of the microbat (Hypposideros obscurus), with a length of 5.5 centimeters and body weight of 10 grams, a type of skink (Tropidophorus grayh), and two new species of the fish Goblidae (Stiphodon olivaceous and Stiphodon surrufus) were also found by the VSU survey.

VSU’s Natural History Museum collected 43,000 arthropod specimens from 377 families and 500 genera on Mt. Pangasugan. A new species of orchid (Dendrobium milaniae) and a tiger beetle (Thopeutica milaniae) were named in honor of the former incumbent VSU president Dr. Paciencia Po-Milan, a renowned ecologist. Other endemic species include the eagle-owl, Philippine hawk-eagle, Rufous Lord kingfisher, Philippine leafbird and miniature tit-babbler and flying lemur.

25 species of aroids representing 12 genera were documented at elevations of up to 350 m ASL. Classified as erect ground dwellers or climbers, the most dominant aroid belong to Pothos and Epipremnum. The orchid species represent 16 genera, with the most dominant belonging to Phalaenopsis.

The Herpetofauna (herps) of Anibong, Jordan, Mt. Pangasugan Range, Leyte is a habitat to endemic species, which is so diverse and slightly distributed.

For more information contact:
09282657150 - smart
09359382593 - tm
09227656165 - sun
To visit VSU official website click here.